Parawings and Rogallo wings, again

Inspired by Michel Van (not Scott Lowther as mentioned earlier) at Secret Projects, who ran into the Gemini inflatable Rogallo wing test videos that are now available (not embeddable so linked only). There are parafoil systems for airdropping stuff, though they don’t seem to be doing flares or line pulls to soften the impact:


And if somebody says parafoils are not maneuverable, I give you a Russian self built RC parafoil:


Speaking of rocketry, a member from the local hybrid group said they have found out the probable cause of roll control problems: the forward fins that were put on the rocket for roll control cause huge vortices when deflected, so that they effect the main fins far aft and the effect might be the opposite from intended.

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2 Responses to Parawings and Rogallo wings, again

  1. gravityloss says:

    Well, I mentioned that there are many and just linked a video of one, but thanks for mentioning!

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