The Laws of Physics

Regarding light gathering area and sensor noise are harsh. Well, it was cheap and it’s tiny and has a rechargeable battery. Maybe it’ll do something worthwhile. The view is from the kitchen window after 11 pm. Why do these things have 10 megapixels? I took the pic in 3 MP mode,  scaled it down in Gimp to about one and it’s still too big, most of the information is just noise. Better use that smallest picture mode so I can use that SD card for a loong time… I also edited the curves slightly to bring more forest and less white in the sky. OK, maybe I’m being a bit rough on it, that’s a huge contrast between the sky and the trees.

Nine Megapixels Noise, One Signal

Nikon Coolpix S203 it is by the way, though these are all probably made in the same factory… 😉

If someone brought to market a 3 mpix camera with twice the quantum well depth, that’d be interesting.

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