[Soundtrack by Mark Snyder
This was originally written in July or August 2009]
After the longest
hundreds of years
and one night
dawn finally came
and all the beautiful sounds
and scents of the world
woke up in the
radiative stillness of mist
Life vision
The waters mirroring the hills
the fowls drawing their arrows
in the picture
We could live here,
we could prosper
this could be home
for the children
No, something’s wrong,
a restless young sun.
The heavens sizzle
and things start over
Yes we know we cannot stay
this beauty overwhelms,
it almost stabs you
but it can’t carry us yet
Another three hundred years
of cold blackness,
some other world somewhere
will be our place
This world needs time,
a recovery,
before we,
our children return
We do not hate thee
the most beautiful, kind
strong and noble
worldly heavenly sphere
Since we have the gift
of understanding,
the possibility
of moving on
Your mountains will erode
new ones will rise,
jungless will dry and
deserts turn lush
And some day ever
worthy beings
walk your gardens
we know