Transparency of the Augustine Commission

Watching the NSF forum closely, the nicknames Antares:

Commission folks reading this thread (on topic, see ) need to request the Bullman study (MSFC) and the response to the Bullman study (not MSFC, ahem). The latter exists only in draft because some managers are… yella, to put it in G-rated terms. They both contain proprietary data and would be useless under a FOIA.

and Pad Rat:

“OSP-ELV Human Flight Safety Certification Study report”, dated March 2004. The soft copy I’m looking at has no document number, curiously.

The response document, “Collaborative ELV Response to the HFSCS Report”, exists in draft form only and thus has no document number assigned to it.

I have heard that the response document did find its way to the transition team, but I know nothing more than that.

Stay tuned for Ares on an EELV after all! This commission could be different than ESAS who got all their data from NASA (no wonder their launchers looked so good!).

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